You’ve done it! You’ve committed to a weight loss plan for better health and let your doctor in on the secret. Congratulations and a virtual high five for putting your health first! Now what does that look like during the process and why is it important that your doctor be in on the loop? For many reasons actually but I am just going to share a few in regards to what happens to your bloodwork so stay with me here.
Day One – Yep! I know it is hard to believe but our bodies are well-oiled machines that truly want to work for us and not against us in this ugly battle we call weight loss. Ok ok, obviously there won’t be a lot of things that happen in a day to your body but I wanted to share that something does to encourage you. On day one you eliminated sugars, reduced carbs and started drinking more water right? Well, that creates an immediate reduction in blood glucose levels which also lowers your risk for heart disease. See! You already made progress!
First Week – By now you have been consistent in your diet and your body has definitely taken notice. You might have even lost a pound or two. Maybe more if you started exercising! So now your triglycerides are saying thank you by decreasing in your lipid panel when your doctor checks for cholesterol aka carbs. Keep up the good work!
30 Days – So now you have really committed to a change in lifestyle and you can actually see many changes in your body occurring. Improvement in weight, energy, skin and maybe even in your sleep patterns. This is how your body says thanks and here’s your gift for taking such good care of me.
90 Days – Wow! You are in it to win it! Nice job! You deserve a special treat! Just make sure it doesn’t set you back 10 steps in your weight loss. By now you have seen changes in many things but now your bloodwork shows your doctor just how much hard work you have been doing. There is noticeable marked improvement in cholesterol levels, triglycerides, blood pressure and A1C levels (blood glucose). This is why it is important to include your doctor. This is how they can help determine and assist you in your lifestyle change and make sure you are on the right track. So keep it up!
So now you know that yes you can actually change things in your body in just one day of managing weight loss but it is a process and takes dedication, commitment and time for the real things to start showing changes. Continue to work hard in your wellness journey and the rewards will continue to happen. Happy healthy eating!